Publishing Exchange 2013 CU1 with ISA 2006
Hi all,
I have setup ISA 2006 to publish my exchange 2013 just with the same rules of our exchange 2010.
I'm unable to connect with RPC over HTTP but can connect via OWA.
I have setup a SAN certificate from GoDaddy with external url and the internal.
The Exchange 2013 CAS is configured for the external URL as well but I can't connect to it when I set the RPC over HTTP external URL in outlook client, only when I set the internal URL I'm able to connect with the client.
June 5th, 2013 4:25am
Paul has wrote an excellent article here: Although it describes 2010 ISA publishing, I believe
you can check the article for a cross check with your setupRegards from ExchangeOnline |
Windows Administrator's Area
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June 5th, 2013 4:52am
Paul has wrote an excellent article here: Although it describes 2010 ISA publishing, I believe
you can check the article for a cross check with your setupRegards from ExchangeOnline |
Windows Administrator's Area
June 5th, 2013 11:31am
Any update
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June 14th, 2013 4:10am
Not really.
I kind of left it a side for now since I have other open issues.
but the article didn't help me as I think I have it set on our ISA correctly as well (we do have exchange 2010 published there as well).
In any case I kind of damaged the exchange setup when I removed the IIS from the server and reinstalled it.
Now I can no longer login to the admin console at all, anyone know what to do in such case?
I tried the /recover parameters but it notify me that exchange is all ready installed.
Again, my main problem was that once I put the external URL in the RPC over HTTP on the outlook client I'm unable to login from LAN or WAN. (external URLs are configured in exchange)
adding the internal exchange FQDN in the RPC over HTTP give me the option to login via LAN.
OWA is working from internet.
I do want to add that today the DNS record "" point to our exchange 2010
I can't have another autodiscover point to our exchange 2013 since it is under the same domain ""
so I don't have autodiscover record for the exchange 2013 yet till I migrate all users and go live with it.
could this be the issue?
June 15th, 2013 12:39am
Please test on the following page.
Also check if ISA refused the request.
How to remove and to reinstall IIS on a computer that is running Exchange Server:
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Wendy Liu
TechNet Community Support
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June 17th, 2013 3:52am
removing any one of the roles from the exchange 2013 is not supported.
I have to uninstall exchange for that.
I was wondering if someone knows if my autodiscover conflict is to blame since the autodiscover is redirected to the exchange 2010.
June 17th, 2013 4:22am